OpenLayers is a complete JavaScript library for embedding maps. It uses a permissive BSD open-source license so can be incorporated into any site without legal worries. Its source code is available on GitHub .
Here, we restrict ourselves to a small, self-contained example and refer to the official tutorials and API for elaborate usages.
Getting started
Copy the following content to a file openlayers.html
and open it in your browser:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang= "en" >
<meta charset= "utf-8" />
<meta name= "viewport" content= "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" >
<title> Simple Map</title>
<link rel= "stylesheet" href= "" type= "text/css" >
html , body {
height : 100% ;
padding : 0 ;
margin : 0 ;
#map {
/* configure the size of the map */
width : 100% ;
height : 100% ;
<!-- The line below is only needed for old environments like Internet Explorer and Android 4.x -->
<script src= ",Element.prototype.classList,URL" ></script>
<script src= "" ></script>
<div id= "map" class= "map" ></div>
<div id= "popup" style= "padding: 10px;background-color: white;" ></div>
var map = new ol . Map ({
layers : [
new ol . layer . Tile ({
// This illustrates a custom tiles source but for using
// official OpenStreetMap server new ol.source.OSM()
// instead of new ol.source.XYZ(...) is enough
source : new ol . source . XYZ ({
attributions : [
ol . source . OSM . ATTRIBUTION ,
' Tiles courtesy of ' +
' <a href=""> ' +
' OpenStreetMap ' +
' </a> '
url : '{z}/{x}/{y}.png '
controls : ol . control . defaults ({
// Set to display OSM attributions on the bottom right control
attributionOptions : {
collapsed : false
}). extend ([
new ol . control . ScaleLine () // Add scale line to the defaults controls
target : ' map ' ,
view : new ol . View ({
center : ol . proj . fromLonLat ([ 0 , 0 ]),
zoom : 2
// Add vector layer with a feature and a style using an icon
var vectorLayer = new ol . layer . Vector ({
source : new ol . source . Vector ({
features : [
new ol . Feature ({
geometry : new ol . geom . Point (
ol . proj . fromLonLat ([ 0 , 0 ])
name : ' The center of the world '
style : new ol . style . Style ({
image : new ol . style . Icon ({
anchor : [ 0.5 , 46 ],
anchorXUnits : ' fraction ' ,
anchorYUnits : ' pixels ' ,
src : ' '
map . addLayer ( vectorLayer );
// Overlay to manage popup on the top of the map
var popup = document . getElementById ( ' popup ' );
var overLay = new ol . Overlay ({
element : popup ,
position : ol . proj . fromLonLat ([ 0 , 0 ])
map . addOverlay ( overLay );
// Manage click on the map to display/hide popup
map . on ( ' click ' , function ( e ) {
var info = [];
map . forEachFeatureAtPixel ( e . pixel , function ( feature ) {
info . push ( feature . get ( ' name ' ));
if ( info . length > 0 ) {
popup . innerHTML = info . join ( ' , ' );
popup . style . display = ' inline ' ;
} else {
popup . innerHTML = ' ' ;
popup . style . display = ' none ' ;
Further links
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